Elvira Mujčić
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Elvira Mujčić was born in 1980 in Loznica, Serbia. After moving to Srebrenica, Bosnia, she lived there right up to the beginning of the war in 1992. An Italian citizen for almost fifteen years now, in 2007 she wrote her first book Al di là del caos. Cosa rimane dopo Srebrenica, (Infinito edizioni). Her novel E se Fuad avesse avuto la dinamite? (Infinito Edizioni) tells of Zlatan, a boy who escaped from the siege in Bosnia in 1995. After many years spent in Italy, now thirty, she still questions the contradictions and misunderstandings of his own people. The experience of cultural uprooting and the difficulties of communicating between different cultures and languages also characterizes later Mujčić's works: La lingua di Ana (2012), Dieci prugne ai fascisti (2016) and Consigli per essere un bravo immigrato (2019).

(photo: © Giliola Chistè)

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