Paola Caridi
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Paola Caridi, born in Rome in 1961, is an historian and a journalist. She get a PhD in International Relations and lives in the Middle East and other Arab countries since 2001. First she stopped in Cairo, a few months before the 11th September. Then she moved to Jerusalem, where she works since 2003 as a correspondent of Lettera 22, a press association of independent journalists founded by her and specialized in foreign politics. In 2007 she published Arabi invisibili, an essay which won the Capalbio Prize in 2008 and inspired her blog, invisiblearabs. In 2009 she published Hamas, an inquiry about the palestinian military movement which has also been released in USA; in 2013 the essay Gerusalemme senza Dio. She cooperates with several research centers of International Politics and she writes for many italian newspapers and weekly magazines.

(photo: © Festivaletteratura)

VARIAZIONE: Sumaya Abdel Qader non potrà essere presente al Festival. All’evento di giovedì 5 interverrà la giornalista Leila Belhadj Mohamed.

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