Redefining fatherhood in the 21st century
Piazza Castello in Mantova is packed with people of all ages, looking forward to one of the most anticipated events of Festivaletteratura 2024. Tickets to hear Zerocalcare (Quando muori resta a me) and Sabrina Efionayi (Padrenostro/Our Father) sold out within minutes of the ticket offices opening. And the event did not disappoint.
The two authors gave two opposite yet complementary visions on family dynamics and the relationships with father figures. The idea of fatherhood was analysed, praised and criticised. The objective? To discover what is currently missing from the male figures and model proposed by society and how they can be improved.
On one hand, Efionayi explored the toxic relationship Elisa Caiazzo, the protagonist of her novel, and her father Vincenzo. The story is set in Naples, in a family of religious extremists where there is no place for privacy, and everything is ruled and decided by the father. Elisa’s search for a bit of freedom led the author to explore the soul and mind of her protagonist, trying to understand where did the girl end and where did the father start.
On the other hand, Zerocalcare portrayed difficult themes and dynamics such as emotional education and bonds between father and son. Through his usual and very effective way of communicating, the graphic novelist has managed to open up a broader reflection on masculinity and communication skills. Indeed, Zerocalcare has always been able to communicate complicated topics through simple and engaging biographic comics, adored by readers of all ages in Italy. He has also collaborated with Netflix for the creation of two series (Strappare lungo i bordi and Questo mondo non mi renderà cattivo) that are available internationally.
Two extraordinary authors with the desire to change, at least a tiny bit, the world around them and enthusiastic about people joining on the way.