Alternative Posters
6 9 2018
Alternative Posters

Teresa Sdralevich helps youngsters create anti-advertising

Teresa Sdralevich, the illustrator from Milan, defines the posters "visual circuits," which - with their slogans and images - give the impression of being left in the mind of those who look at them. This is how she introduces adults and children to the workshop that will consist in making their own posters in groups.

She asked the youngsters in the audience for the most important parts that would make the posters stand out and various answers arrived, including the fact that they must remain in the mind of viewers, be printed on large sheets, be colourful and need a subject. In this workshop, however, explained Teresa, "Anti-advertising" posters will be made: the participants will have to represent ideas, objects that do not exist or for things that don’t cost money and create a suitable slogan.


Some instructions from the illustrator were to draw subjects without details, as the children then went on to colour their poster with rollers which need short but effective slogans. The audience, after thinking about their general idea for the poster, with the author’s help, traced their design on sheets of transparent plastic which, with the help of the volunteers, were then projected onto the wall as if they were posters.

After tracing the contours of the main figures in their drawings, the participants started painting using fluorescent yellow, red and black and even used stencil letters to reproduce their slogans. Some of the slogans created by the participants were "Sleep now" and "Touch-screen".