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Alessandro Portelli
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Born in Rome in 1942, Alessandro Portelli is a historian, music critic and English studies expert. He taught American Literature at "La Sapienza" University in Rome. He created and chairs Circolo Gianni Bosio for the critical knowledge and the alternative presence of popular cultures. He has written for Il Manifesto since 1972 and has often written for Liberazione and l'Unità. He collected political songs and oral memories of Rome and Latium, collaborating with Canzoniere del Lazio, Giovanna Marini, Sara Modigliani, Piero Brega e Ascanio Celestini. Amongst his latest works: Il ginocchio sul collo. L'America, il razzismo, la violenza tra presente, storia e immaginari (Donzelli, 2020) and La principessa Cincillà e altre fiabe di famiglia (Donzelli, 2022).

(photo © Festivaletteratura)

VARIAZIONE: Carole Beebe Tarantelli non potrà essere al Festival. Invariati gli altri ospiti dell'evento 38 di giovedì 7 alle 14:45 (Alessandro Portelli, Vanessa Roghi e Nicolò Porcelluzzi).

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