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Francesco Piccolo
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Born in Caserta in 1964, Francesco Piccolo has collaborated with various dailies and magazines including "L'Unità" and "Il Sole 24 ore". He graduated in Literature and lives in Rome. A writer and scriptwriter, in 1994 he published "Scrivere è un tic". I metodi degli scrittori"; in 1997, with the collection of short stories "Storie di primogeniti e figli unici" he was awarded the Giuseppe Berto Prize. In it, many distinctive traits of Piccolo as a writer are already visible, ranging from an attention to everyday life to the family life and memories of childhood. In 1998 he wrote "E se c'ero dormivo" followed by "Il tempo imperfetto". His literary production goes on with "Allegro occidentale (2003), "L'Italia spensierata" (2007), "La separazione del maschio" (2008), "Momenti di trascurabile felicità" (2010) and "Il desiderio di essere come tutti" (2013), an autobiographical text going back forty years into Italian history. In 2001 Piccolo started working for cinema as well, collaborating with the most prestigious Italian directors and scriptwriters of the last decades. The screenplays that he co-signed include "Paz" by Renato De Maria, adapted from the comics by Andrea Pazienza, "Caos calmo" by Antonello Grimaldi, "Il caimano" and "Habemus Papam" by Nanni Moretti, "Gli sfiorati" by Matteo Rovere, "Agata e la tempesta" and "Giorni e nuvole" by Silvio Soldini, "My name is Tanino", "La prima cosa bella" and "Il capitale umano" by Paolo Virzì.

(photo: © Leonardo Céndamo)

VARIAZIONE: l'omaggio all'opera di Ada D'Adamo DIALOGARE CON UN LIBRO si svolgerà in Piazza Leon Battista Alberti anziché in Biblioteca Teresiana e avrà inizio alle 21:00.

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