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Gaia Manzini
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Gaia Manzini is the author of Nudo di famiglia (Fandango 2009, Premio Chiara finalist), La scomparsa di Lauren Armstrong (Fandango 2021, chosen for the Premio Strega), In 2014, she wrote Diario di una mamma in pappa (Laterza 2014), Ultima la luce (Mondadori, 2017). adventures of motherhood. She works with il Foglio e L'Espresso. She is one of the three authors of the subject of Mia madre, a film by Nanni Moretti presented at the 68th Festival di Cannes. In 2021 she published for Bompiani the novel Nessuna parola dice di noi.

(photo: © Festivaletteratura)

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