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Alessandro Zaccuri
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A professional journalist, born in La Spezia in 1963, lives in Milan where he has worked since 1994 at the cultural editorial office of the daily Avvenire. He collaborated with the magazines Letture, Millelibri and Lo Straniero and he also taught Cultural Information at Università Cattolica in Milan. From 2005 to 2011, he presented the TV program Il Grande talk, broadcast on TV/2000. He authored essays on literature and contemporary imaginaries: Citazioni pericolose (2000); Il futuro a vapore (2004); In terra sconsacrata (2008); Non è tutto da buttare (2016); Come non letto. Dieci classici (più uno) che possono ancora cambiare il mondo (2017). His fiction works include: Lo spregio (2016, Premio letterario Giovanni Comisso per la sezione narrativa); La sposa di Attila (2017); Nel nome (2019); La quercia di Bruegel (2021) and the historical novel Poco a me stesso (2022). He edited the Italian edition of two books by Ray Bradbury (Verdi ombre, balena bianca and La morte è un affare solitario) and translated for Interlinea The Rhyme of the Flying Bomb by Mervyn Peake.

(foto: © Leonardo Céndamo)

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