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Luca Crovi
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Luca Crovi was born in 1968. A novelist and an essayist, he wrote for Il Giornale, Max, Italia Oggi and Suono magazine. Since the '90 he is editor of Sergio Bonelli Editore. For Puntozero he published the essay Delitti di carta nostra (Premio Aquicon 2001). In 2002, Marsilio Editori published his study on the Italian thriller Tutti i colori del giallo, which became the title of a successful radio programme presented by Crovi on Rai Radio 2. Amongst his major works: Laggiù nel profondo (2007), a graphic novel written with Joe R. Lansdale and illustrated by Andrea Mutti, which stands out for its originality; the literary guide Noir. Istruzioni per l'uso (2013); La storia del giallo in 50 investigatori (Centuria, 2019 and 2022), illustrated by Angelo Montanari; the novels L'ombra del campione (2018) and L'ultima canzone del Naviglio (2020), published by Rizzoli. In 2021 he wrote with Peppo Bianchessi Il libro segreto di Jules Verne (Solferino).

(photo: © Festivaletteratura)

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